How did we arrive in July, and start the descent into 2018 so quickly? It seems only last week we’re were celebrating the start of 2017 and it being a year to start new things. A year to achieve great things. But that’s life right, time slips by so fast and things get pushed back or put off to help deal with the matters of now. We are culprits of it here too, we have a promises board which has begun to get crowded as more and more promises are getting pushed back. Promises which range from nicer biscuits in the tin, to Team Time Thursdays where the LK team should spend an hour each Thursday to show and tell new things, great things or ideas. But with the current climate and state of affairs these promises have not been actioned and wiped off the board, they sit there staring at us like a neglected cat plotting it’s escape.
We want to make our Lillian Kelly world a better place in order to in turn make the world outside our office better place, little by little. So yes we have found ourselves, not ‘lying’ as such, but not being able to move forwards as we had hoped and build in more for our clients. But this is all due to firefighting the day to day flames of the work that comes in; the daily workload coupled with the urgent issues we are relied upon to correct.
So what does this mean, it basically means we’re having a shake up. Nabil, our junior developer has set his compass to elsewhere and has left to pursue his love of programming and work more on App based projects, and we wish him all the best. In light of this we’re focusing on finishing a dozen open websites and design briefs which need us to push them, lining up the new design projects which have signed up, but most of all we have a new member of staff starting in the office this month to get our processes tight, make sure everyone feels part of the club, and not lost in the crowd whilst launching all the new services and events we plan to.
Do you find yourselves in the same situation? We hear so many people talk about their marketing, mainly around a new website and tell us they will sort it when they ‘get around to it’. Which is often a lie, not so much to us, but themselves. As with all things in life, there is never a right time, there is only ever now. We are here to help with Websites and Design, it’s what we do.
We’re here with one goal in mind, and that is to provide work and a service which people love and feel comfortable with. We want people to pop in for a coffee and a chat. If you have some ideas or feedback from your experience with us, we’d love you to drop us an email.
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